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Friday, June 26, 2020

Executive Interview

Firms hire executives at leadership position to drive organisation towards path of success.

Executive interview determines- potential success within an executive-level position. Firms used - psychometric test, top grading interview, STAR method and other ways of Interview to find the suitable match for the role. The executive interview is a two-way process. It is as much about one finding the role compatible as the firm’s finding the right candidate.

An executive interview is a conversation. The trick is to balance a cool-headed approach with the right degree of research.

 Executive-level interviews are unique in that they are used to evaluate:

  • Situational skills
  • Taking right and appropriate decisions at the need of the time.
  • Ability to implement change within a company
  • Management skills
  • Setting and meeting challenging goals
  • Capacity to deliver results
  • Ability to manage and lead teams and organizations

Top grading Interview:  Along with regular sourcing and interview process, topgrading gives a unique approach to interviewing is the structure and specific goal related to the method and that is helping recruiting team evaluate talent to make sure candidates have the skills and attributes that are needed to perform at the top level within company

STAR method- This process will make answers more credible and it’s much easier for hiring managers/recruiters to get the evidence in answer.

1.    Situation: Not more than a sentence to share the detail of situation or task given.

2.    Task: Summary is what has to be done and outputs of the task

3.    Actions: What hurdles one will face and how to overcome.

4.    Result: What are the final result, how to deal again with same situation.

For an executive job search, this kind of research needs to go beyond just knowing broadly what the company does. One should know the company’s financial situation, what challenges it’s facing and its leaders’ backgrounds.

One should focus on the company’s top competitors. Where is the company outperforming its competitors? Where is it falling short? What new products or services do the competitors have planned for the near future, and how might this affect the industry? Being able to converse about these things in interview will convey expert knowledge, also it will show the hiring manager that the candidate is kind of person who thinks two steps ahead.

At the executive level, interviewers are looking for concrete proof that person can deliver measurable results for the whole organization—and that leadership style is a good fit for the culture. Being able to articulate leadership philosophy and back up those big picture ideas with real-life examples will strengthen the case that one is ready to make the move into the executive ranks. Prepare for interview questions that seek to determine what kind of manager one is and what kind of vision a person have for the company and team.


Shekhar Prasad

Executive Hiring

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Drug Launched for Covid 19

World has suffered a lot due to Covid 19- Coronavirus. It has impacted both personal and professional lives of many. Sad loss of life of many individuals across the world.

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals has announced that they are launching medicine FabiFlu in tablet form for the treatment of mild & moderate coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in India. Nearly 80% of all COVID-19 positive cases in India are under this category. FabiFlu is India’s first oral antiviral drug for treatment of mild & moderate COVID-19 patients, the company said.

The company had on Friday received approval from Indian drug regulator for manufacturing and marketing of Favipiravir in oral form in India. On Saturday the company said the drug would be available from the evening near its factory areas and pan India in 7 to 10 days.

The drug will be available in strips containing 34 tables priced at ₹3,500 which works out to be ₹103 per tablet. The prescribed dose is 18 tablets on the first day with 9 tablets of 200 mg each in morning and evening. From second day onwards the patient needs to take 4 tablets each in morning and day. The treatment can last upto 14 days. Patients in the age group of 18 and 75 can have it.

God Bless everyone.

Circular Economy

Circular Economy: Organisations today work in Linear model: Take - Make - Dispose model. Which usage the material and not considering future demands of the materials. Whereas Circular economy plan the usage of materials as aware of situation they may not available after few decades. Now its time to recycle the key materials and treat them as companies are owner of those materials. 

Now model: Make - Use - Return.

Few electronics and fabric industry has started using this model. Hope this model will add value to #economy system.

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